Day Twenty One:

January 21st 2018.

‘Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do.’

21 Things You Should Know About Mental Health.


21) A mental illness is not just one problem, there are many different types of mental health issues such as; PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Substance Abuse.

I suffer from Anxiety and Depression. Did you realise I never said ‘suffered’. Just because I have finished CBT, one-to-one Therapy and stopped taking medication to get my illness under control, it does not mean it has miraculously disappeared. It will most likely always be there, there is no cure there are just better coping methods and remembering what works for you, which I have spent a long time trying to figure out what works for me.


20) Trying to understand somebody with a mental illness can be frustrating for them. Just accept that sometimes you cannot help, if they need you/help leave them until they are ready.

I have many people around me who love to help. But I never accept it. I’m so strong willed and love to figure things out myself without asking for help. Being told that people understand what I am going through really frustrates me. You may have the same illness but you do not have the same day-to-day problems as I do. So if you ever find yourself in this situation, wait until you are told about their feelings before presuming- it makes life easier for all of us.


19) Most people become spiritual and rely on something greater than their own mind to seek help.

This is something I have been advised to do and tried, but unfortunately I did not work for me personally.


18) Living with any mental health issue can feel like you’re trapped with no way out by becoming a permanent worry to yourself. 

Sometimes it felt like I had lost control of my own mind. I had no control over my thought process, over my actions, over my reactions, over myself. It is all about re-training your mind to think positively and let things go!


17) Their greatest talent is pretending. Pretending that nothing is going on, pretending that everything is fine and pretending that they don’t need help. 

If you asked me who ate all the chocolate from the fridge and I lied, you would 100% be able to tell I was lying because of my face. But there is a difference between lying and pretending. I pretended I was okay until I heard a specific name then I’d have to walk away. I couldn’t physically sit in a room whilst others discussed this person because it hurt me too much. I pretended I was okay until I felt rejection. Rejection for me is one of my biggest fears but I’m working on it! I pretended I was okay until I was told ‘no’. Then I would blame everybody for my problems. When in all honesty it wasn’t my fault. It was my mental health issues that blurred the lines between normality and anxiety.


16) Anything can trigger a panic attack or over thinking, so remember to smile. You do not know what others are going through. 

I have a real phobia of smiling at people and they don’t smile back. I could be having the most productive day I have had all week, but that one person could effect my mood in an instant. You could also be having the worst day ever and not in the mood to smile- but if you’re both smiling at each other, that’s the first step to becoming happier.


15) Learning about mental health if you are suffering yourself, can be the ultimate power to getting the control of your life back.

I wish I had done this sooner. I said in the past so many times ‘I need to see a DR’ but I never did it. I used it as an excuse. I pretended I would so everything would go back to the way I liked it. But I was wrong. I should’ve learnt about triggers, how to deal with life in general, in a relationship, living at home etc.


14) Unfortunately, if you need a therapist, they don’t know everything, they just assess you and work on those things. You can come out the other end, no matter how long it takes.

My therapist was a saint! She helped me so much I don’t think she realised. I had a non-judgemental person that was willing to sit with me for 1 hour a week and help me. Just me. My self-worth was my main issue. I had been in so many bad relationships, had so many bad friendships, that I forgot who I was. I spent my entire life trying to please everybody else but myself.


13) ‘Trial and Error’ is often used when trying to get better. Remembering how you’ve trained your mind to work for you is the trick!

I’m still getting better but I’m progressing and that’s really all that matters. Like I said in yesterday’s blog, Remembering is KEY!


12) It’s easier to cope if you’re your own treatment provider. Gaining knowledge, tracking your moods, keeping a journal, what coping methods work for you are KEY!

I began doing this. I wrote a journal for a little over 2 weeks. I tracked how I felt that day and talked about small trivial things that either annoyed me/ upset me/ triggered an episode. I have read back over it once and I doubt I will ever do it again. I don’t want to remember how bad I felt 3 months ago, I want to focus on the future. The trick is to never read back over a journal, it’s in the past.


11) The illness ‘depression‘ does not mean you are sad all of the time.

This is the huge misconception with ‘depression’. The general feeling is detachment. Having a detachment from things that used to make you happy. Having a detachment from things that could make you happy. I started doing things I love again, and i’m really enjoying it! It’s all about remembering yourself.


10) Self-harm is NOT a cry for attention. It does NOT mean you want to kill yourself. 

For some people, like me, I used it as a coping mechanism because the pain from hurting myself was a greater pain than what my mind was telling me I was feeling. There are so many better/ less harmful ways of dealing with stress/ anxiety/ depression- it’s just about finding what is best for you.


9) Judging is one of the worst things you could do to somebody who suffers.

This illness made me one of the most self-loathing people I’ve ever known. I constantly told myself I wasn’t normal. When will I be normal? Do I look normal? If I look normal everybody will think i’m normal? BUT what is normal? There really is not any kind of normal in the world. The sooner you realise that the better!


8) After somebody has admitted they need help, it does not make them a different person.

I felt a sense of ‘rush’ when I finally went to my first Triage meeting. Nothing that was done around me was intentional and I wouldn’t have known how to deal with such big news either. But I didn’t change. I still felt the same feelings. I still got anxious about the same thing. I still managed to get myself into a state of uncontrollable sobbing because I thought I would never be good enough! Please remember this.


7) Mental Illness’ are, most of the time, invisible.

It is hard to see from the naked eye if somebodies mind is a little different to our own. It is more common than you think and can ruin lives just as easily as a physical illness. Like I said before, pretending is one of our stronger traits.


6) The word ‘crazy’ is very insulting. 

We are not crazy, we are just different. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


5) There are many signs to look out for: feeling useless, overthinking, lack of energy or motivation or avoiding other people. 

I always felt useless, like my best was never good enough. This applied to every aspect of my life. I couldn’t help it. I always overthought things. ‘Why is she looking at me like that?’, ‘Do I look stupid today?’, ‘Why does everybody hate me?’, ‘No body ever listens to me.’ I never had motivation until the beginning of 2018. I always pretended I was interested in getting a job. I always pretended I was interested in doing things but in all honesty I was not. I always avoided people, mostly my family. Because I was embarrassed. Now I find comfort in talking about my issues.


4) ‘75% of people with a mental health condition will have developed it before the age of 18′. 

When I was doing research myself, I found this quote and its hard to get out of my mind. Its terrifying to know that three quarters of people with a mental illness have suffered from teenage years, just like myself. It’s hard to accept that you need help, but once you do it really does help.

I’m 22. I have only ever accepted I needed help when I was 22. I have achieved so much already at the age of 22. But before that I had suffered for many year unknowingly. There is no time limit to recovery.


3) Suicide should never be an option. 

There are so so many different facilities and services available so please never feel like you’re alone. There is always another option.


2) Take time to reflect on why you think your life is so bad, it’s because we haven’t demanded control of our own lives. 

That is exactly what I did. With the help of NHS services and great people around me, I demanded control of my life back. And guess what, It feels amazing. 


1) Never give up!!

This is what the depression wants. This is what the anxiety wants.

Be yourself, you can beat this.




Day Twenty:

January 20th 2018.

‘Help others achieve success, never be jealous. Work hard and your turn will come.’


I’m going to start today’s blog post with a little appreciation to an Instagram page @littlearthlings. I was sent this account from a family member and now I’m obsessed. We’ve spoken over Instagram and I’ve looked through all of her work. They’re small little home-made reminders that everything is going to be okay. I feel like every little thought I have or advice I try and give, @littlearthlings creates/draws a perfect representation of it! Here is a small collection of her work!

Head over and give her a follow! She will light up your day with every simplistic post. 

littlearthlings instagram images



‘Take a long bath. When it’s cold outside there’s nothing more therapeutic than a soak in the tub and a good book.’ 

I could not agree more. After a long day in work on a Saturday and the weather being so indecisive, a long soak in the bath later on sounds perfect. I’m going to carry on reading ‘Calm’ which is one of Fearne Cotton’s original books.



Remembering things is very important and can influence any decision you make daily.

  • Remember, you’ve trained your mind to be happy so stick with it.
  • Remember, how hard you’ve worked to get where you are today.
  • Remember, what makes you happy and what doesn’t.
  • Remember, it’s okay to cut people out of your life who are not making it any better.
  • Remember, the people who are always there for you no matter what.
  • Remember, those people who made time to listen to you when no body else did.
  • Remember, that every moment you’re alive, you’re making memories.
  • Remember, you have to start somewhere, so work as hard as you can.
  • Remember, to have no regrets.
  • Remember, to live everyday.
  • Remember, you have absolutely nothing to prove to anybody else.
  • Remember, it’s okay to ask for help in any situation.
  • Remember, to not worry about the small trivial things.
  • Remember, if you want to change something about yourself, its easily done.


REMEMBER, you’re amazing and everybody else’s opinion of you does not matter.


Day Nineteen:

January 19th 2018.

‘With a new days comes new strength and and new thoughts.’ – Eleanor Roosevelt  



‘Its perfectly fine to dream big and have grand goals but just remember you won’t miraculously be a new person if you achieve them. The adventure of climbing new mountains and achieving new goals is thrilling but you’ll still be you at the end of it. There is no guarantee or pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Enjoy the journey and remember to enjoy the now!20180119_174121

I’m so glad this came up today in Fearne Cotton’s Journal. After starting this new business venture, or anything in my life to be honest, I alway’s want them done straight away because I’m usually impatient. I try to word hard and expect results instantly but I need to understand it will not happen that way. Creating a business from scratch has many different hidden avenues I didn’t know existed but I’m going to power through and tackle every obstacle in my way.

I want to remember the person I am now and that it won’t change due to stress/ high work load. I still want to be able to socialise/ spend time with my family/ go to work through the week. This business is extra curriculum for now but I work on it every free minute I have. (This also helps me to get a good night’s sleep because I’m always so tired.)

I have this mountain to climb, whether I do it alone or with others around me. I have new goals I want to achieve in the future. I have specific targets that I want to meet. I have a number of different desires that I have to be completed. BUT I know it wont change the person I am today.

I am enjoying the tiring, exhausting, demanding and tough journey to success- that is called my life.


Usually, I like my ‘Happy’ post and ‘365 Days Of Happiness’ posts to have a similar theme and it’s working out great so far! The one thing that makes me happy today is my growing motivation for starting a new business. The hard work will pay off in the future.



Day Eighteen:

January 18th 2018.

‘Don’t stop because you’re tired. Keep going because you’re almost there.’


‘Don’t panic. A new year can feel very overwhelming. What are you worried about? Write down those fears and clear them from your mind.’

After grabbing another great night’s sleep I woke up feeling fresh and ready to spend the entire day on a new project. There are still many more hours to spend on it but all of the ideas are finally taking off. The only worries I have are about this new project. I’m worried about it not working. I’m worried it wont be as good as I hope it will be. But these are things I cannot change so the only thing I can do is try my best and hope for the best.



We spent the whole day at Salford Uni Campus putting our business plans into motion. After a long 5 hours we finally have a name, logo, brand identity and started to write a contract. I can’t say too much about this project until the official launch! Keep an eye out!





Day Seventeen:

January 17th 2018.

‘You don’t have to accept things you’re not okay with.’


‘Sleep well. It’s easy to get into bad sleeping habits especially if you have kids or if you have to work late/ strange hours. Remember to rest and catch up on zzz’s when you can.’

Over Christmas I got a Fitbit and it really helped to change my sleeping habits. I am able to not only track my steps and exercise but track my sleep. I was only getting to sleep at 5am and spending most of my days in bed. Getting a job and having various meetings to go too, I am in a better routine. This helped me to get a better night’s sleep. I need all of the sleep I can get with new and exciting projects coming up soon! Keep an eye out!

20180117_150212 (1)



Today I made my way down to a therapy session. I didn’t know it would be my last one. I was told that I have had such a positive outcome over the last 8 weeks and it has come to a natural end. I cried. Not because I was upset and I thought I still needed to go, but because I was received and I felt like I was finally better. (Of course there will bad days). I have learnt how to handle normal situations better. I have learnt that its perfectly normal to have an off day. I have learnt how to be myself and not care what other people think. I have learnt my self-worth and that was my main challenge.


Day Sixteen:

January 16th 2018.

‘If you want to beat the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.’ – Amit Ray


20180116_192051.jpg‘Accept and embrace newness with open arms!’ There are plenty of things that could be see as ‘too-good-to-be-true’ but try not to think about it. Embrace your journey and make mistakes. If you’re happy now, that’s perfectly fine. Enjoy what you can right now because some day it might all be gone and all you’re left with is memories. So… carry on & stop worrying, you’re doing just fine.



I finally completed Task 14 of Fearne Cotton’s Happy Journal.  Freshly Baked Scones. We made a mess, flour got everywhere, they’re not evenly sized and I’m pretty sure one was still uncooked- BUT hey, we tried.


@isabellesmithxo @paulyypudd


Day Fifteen:

January 15th 2018.

‘Don’t be afraid to start over. It gives you a chance to rebuild what you want.’


‘Call someone you have lost touch with. Is this the year to rekindle lost friendships? Who might that be?’


A couple of days ago I completed my 15th task without knowing it would appear today. I finally got back in touch with a flatmate from University. We never fell out, we were just busy. I couldn’t walk down the hall way, knock on her door, walk into her spotless room and just sit and gossip. But I miss it! I haven’t seen her in almost a year but every time we speak it’s like we have never stopped- they’re the type of friends you need. She was my rock in 3rd year and was always there for me whenever I needed- even when I was a very untidy flatmate. Our memories will never fade. I love you. 

‘Best friends are people you don’t need to talk to every single day. You don’t need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, its as if you’d never stopped talking.’


There are so many things in life that you need to train for whether its for performance or fitness, learning or education. Today I started training for my job and it went great. I’m so happy to have the opportunity to be part of a great team and learn things about the business. Training provides goals to aim for and achievement creates positivity.

There is no time limit of training; there is always more to be learnt.


Day Fourteen:

January 14th 2018.

‘Don’t overthink, just let go.’


‘Eat something really nourishing today. Cook something from scratch to nurture your body and mind.’


Unfortunately, this is the only day that I cannot achieve. When starting this journal I wanted to only look at the date it was each day, but for things like this I will have to pre-plan what i’m going to do in advance. Although, I had a chicken Caesar salad which was healthy!

Favourite Joke:

-What do you call a chicken staring at a lettuce?

-Chicken see’s-a (Caesar) salad!




Try retraining your mind and soul to be happy. Utilise the past to help structure your future positively . ‘Just let it go.’ Don’t let the trivial things matter, move on from the pettiness and gain more understanding about your actions causing reactions.



Day Thirteen:

January 13th 2018.

‘You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.’


‘You’re doing great! Feel proud of yourself and recognise all your achievements in life so far. What do you feel proud about today?’


There are many achievements that I can be proud of in my life; but sometimes it’s hard to remember all of them when i’m feeling down. I guess this could be the case for many other people but try to appreciate all of the hard work you have put into something for it to become a successful achievement.



What do I feel proud about today?

I feel proud that I finally got a job. On the 3rd of January I wrote my blog about changing my job prospects and applying for anything. After handing in my CV, attending an interview and trial shift I was offered the job and to become a part of a small team. I couldn’t be happier. The hours are sociable and I still have time in the day to complete my blog and also some extra curriculum that I have been thinking about.

I want to build my portfolio. I am going to contact some small local business’ and offer my marketing/ advertising services for free. Creating online content, videos, print ads etc, for small companies and building a client base will hopefully help me to progress into my chosen industry in the future.

‘Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.’ – Earl Nightingale  


Day Twelve:

January 12th 2018.

‘Everyday is a second chance.’


‘Don’t beat yourself up if you’re feeling like things aren’t moving quickly enough. I can be terribly impatient about things not moving as fast as I would like. What are you feeling impatient about and can you see a way to wait more peacefully for it too happen?’


One of my worst traits I would say is: Impatience. I get wound up if things don’t happen straight away because once I have my mind set on something, thats it. I think the one thing that is not moving quickly enough for me is Recovery- the expectation that I will all of a sudden be okay. Things take time and that is something that i’m beginning to realise.



What does the word ‘chance’ mean to you? Do you believe in second ‘chances’? Are ‘chances’ a thing you give away so easily? Have you had more than enough ‘chances’ in your life so far? Would you take a ‘chance’?

Today I am happy about being given so many chances. I might not have necessarily taken all of these chances as positives, realised that I was presented with something that not everybody has the chance to experience and that is life.

I believe I have had so many chances at life; stupidly because I attempted to end mine, but I was given a second chance.

Only upon reflection are you supposed to realise the chances you have had. How will you know if it’s the right decision if you never make it? There’s a possibility when being presented with a second chance that it will work out better than the first, you could have already learnt from your mistakes. Life is all about taking chances, always try your best to take the right one but learn from the wrong one. Just remember to appreciate what you have right now because sometimes you won’t always get a second chance.

The 3 C’s: Choices, Chances, Changes.

You  must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.