Day One:

January 1st 2018.

I started with writing in my Happy journal.

The goal for today was to write down a cosmic order list, in which I complete a wish list for the year ahead. These are not hopes but achievable and manageable quests that I can complete successfully. Here are the things I wrote;

Day One:

  1. Get a job in Advertising/ Marketing
  2. Pass Theory/ Driving Test
  3. Become better with money
  4. Start a Blog
  5. Stick at things I enjoy
  6. Exercise more
  7. Learn something new
  8. Be truly happy within myself
  9. Eat healthier
  10. Plan to move out
  11. Gain more positive friendships

These may not seem like huge achievements for anybody else, mostly because you guys already do most of them anyway, but my unhealthy lifestyle and lack of motivation proves difficult when I decide to do something and never complete… I think thats down to laziness. 

I then moved onto the #365DaysOfHappiness post on Instagram.

I am obsessed with my cat, Bella. So its only right that I start with her.


In terms of my 12 Month Resolution Plan, I’ve decided to start tomorrow. (As i’ve already had a McDonalds today and eating healthy is my first challenge.) Starting tomorrow I will attempt to eat healthier for the month of January- not just for aesthetic reasons but for fitness reasons.

Im hoping that having 3 challenges to do this year will interlink with each making it a positive experience.


365 Days of Happiness

My name is Isabelle.

2017 was possibly one of the hardest years of my entire life.

I’ve decided to write a blog, showcasing a NEW year. Everyday will be a new challenge, every month will have a new resolution and reflection on what I have done, what I could’ve done better and the reasons why.

I hope that people can follow my journey and see a positive change at the end of the year. Each challenge I have in 2018 will have their own separate blogs. I will be as open and honest as I can be, respecting the privacy of my family and close friends.

12 Month Plan:

Over the Christmas period I read a self-help book called How I Changed My Life in A Year by Shelly Wilson. This book consists of a new thing to do each month, so i’ve decided to give it a go myself. The challenges range from adapting better habits, conquering my fears and learning new things; all of which could be demonstrated through text, images, videos or quotes. The posts may not be daily but I will update everybody when there is something to be seen.


I have began the #365DaysOfHappiness post challenge on Instagram, this will also be shared onto my blog. The decision to do this was for commitment. I often begin things and rarely finish them- so having a daily challenge to be happy and to reflect will hopefully have a positive reaction to 2018.


I have also began using Fearne Cotton’s: Happy. This is a daily journal with quotes, space to reflect and ‘a chance to write joy into every day and let go of perfect.’