Day Thirty One

January 31st 2018.

‘My life isn’t perfect, but I am thankful for everything I have.’



Thank you January for…

New beginnings

Providing me with the opportunity to start an Advertising Business

Helping me to get my head back on the right track

Introducing me to amazing people

Giving me the chance to learn more skills and challenge my knowledge

Providing my life with a purpose

Giving me strength to pursue opportunities I never usually would

Presenting me with a Job

Giving 2018 the best start



January started with Bella and it’s ending with Bella.

It’s been 1 year since I got this little monster.


Day Thirty:

January 30th 2018.

‘Its not about how bad you want it… it’s about hard you’re willing to work for it.’




‘Arrange to have a coffee with a friend today. What do you want to talk about?’

Today I’ve been predominantly working on Generation Z business things. We have a number of clients and contracts after just 2 weeks of research and brand identity building. I have had no time to stop for a coffee! Continue to get in touch!


Our contract is now printed and ready to be signed by clients, including all the information of services we provide.


  1. Social Media
  2. Video/ Editing
  3. Print Design
  4. Logo Design
  5. Web Design
  6. Packages



If you know anybody who need any of these services, make sure they get in touch! (Based in the North West of UK.) We can send over the contract to see whether our services fit with your business! Please provide us with contact details and a little about your project!


Facebook: Generation Z Advertising

Twitter: @GenerationZ_Ad

Instagram: @GenerationZ_Advertising




Day Twenty Nine:

January 29th 2018.

‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.’



‘Acknowledge how your body is feeling today. Does it feel heavy or light?’

Today my body feels heavy! I started the gym yesterday so having my first light workout has proven to be more of a strain on my body than I thought! Although, I’m going to stick at it and continue to go.




My 12 Month Plan has been going okay for January. But Fitness Feb is starting early! There will be more details to come about which workouts/ classes I will be doing over the new month! Keep an eye out for some tips! I think along with eating healthy and exercising throughout the next couple of weeks will help me reach my target weight! Or at least get me closer…


Day Twenty Seven:

January 27th 2018.

‘The best kind of friendships are fierce lady friendships where you aggressively believe in each other, defend each other and believe the other deserves the world.’


My best friend 💜

It’s been a while since I seen her but she’s honestly amazing. All I want is to see her happy and support every decision she makes!

I have so much love for her and will only settle when she has the very best 👸🏼.

lots of love sweet pea 💜



Day Twenty Six:

January 26th 2018.

‘Family… Where life begins and love never ends.’


Your family are important.

You may not agree with every opinion or everything they do, but they aill always be there for you when you need it most.

So don’t forget to appreciate them and cherish every moment you have. One day it could all be gone and you’ll regret dismissing it.

Don’t say you’ll ‘see them next time’

Don’t say you’ll ‘just ring them instead’.

Don’t say you’ll ‘wait until tomorrow’.

  • They offer support and guidance
  • They love and understand you
  • They protect you
  • They will offer you a sense of direction
  • They offer you security
  • They help you to make the right decision
  • They help to make who you are




The days are short and nights are long now- can you feel this affecting your mood? Write your thoughts here.’

The whether doesn’t particularly bother me. I walk to walk in dry, wet, icy, rainy, snowy weather but it doesn’t determine if I have a good day or not.



Day Twenty Five:

January 25th 2018.

‘Grow through what you go through.’



‘Do you have any tricky relationships with colleagues, friends of family? How do you think you could help change those relationships for the better? Is there any movement at your end?’

In all honesty, I cannot think of one unhealthy relationship in my life at the moment. I have completely got rid of any bad apples in my life at the start  of 2018. So I’m feeling very positive about all relationships. So, if you’re in my life now, it’s because I want you there.



  • Learn how to take care of yourself.
  • Learn how to say no.
  • Learn about what makes you happy and what does not.
  • Learn how to save money.
  • Learn how to be productive.
  • Learn that you cannot compare your journey to anybody else’s.
  • Learn about your habits and if you don’t like them, change them.
  • Learn how to remove distractions from your life.
  • Learn that the most important love in your life, is how you love yourself.
  • Learn that trust is built through actions, not words.
  • Learn that you do not get anywhere by cheating.
  • Learn to prepare but also prepare to fail.
  • Learn that change can be a good thing.
  • Learn how to cope in difficult situations.
  • Learn that nothing in the world will ever be perfect.
  • Learn that sometimes being vulnerable can be a good thing.
  • Learn to give yourself some down time.
  • Learn to wind down with needed.
  • Learn to be yourself with the best kind of people.
  • Learn to be you.
  • Learn to love yourself.



Day Twenty Four:

January 24th 2018.

‘If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all.’



‘Can you find a comforting recipe to cook today?’


I have prepped meals to have for the rest of the week!

|Seasoned Chicken | Spinach |Peppers | Rice



Another successful day yesterday at Salford Uni preparing to launch our business.

Generation Z

20180123_165001.jpg          20180123_164921.jpg

Facebook: @GenerationZ_Advertising

Instagram: @GenerationZ_Advertising

Twitter: @GenerationZ_Ad



(Photo Cred: @LittleEarthlings)

Continue to hope.

Hope for the wildest things and one day it could come true.

Hope for everything you ever wanted.

Hope that one day you can become anything you put your mind too.

Hope you get that new job.

Hope that you can be successful.

Hope that your family&friends remain healthy.

Hope is not a bad thing, it means you’re making a better life for yourself.


Day Twenty Three

January 23rd 2018.

‘In order for your life to be great, you must first learn to appreciate it.


‘If you’re feeling a little scared to try new things, recall a past adventure where you were daring and spontaneous. Write down how it felt and what you gained from it.’


The one real adventure I took was moving to Seville, Spain for 3 months. The overall experience was incredible and I met some amazing people. As I was going through it I wasn’t always happy, there were some tough times that happened and I didn’t think I was making the most of the situation But I also had some amazing times when I didn’t want to come back home. But everything happens for a reason so I believe what happened there was supposed to happen and I learnt a lot about tolerance and how to deal with it myself.




I believe when you’re going through life you focus so much on the future. And I am the advocate of this. I have spent so much time trying to focus on a potential career or potential relationship but I forgot to realise what was in front of me all along.

Amazing family, amazing friends, amazing life. 

Its all about remembering to appreciate what you have right now.



Day Twenty Two:

January 22nd 2018.

‘Decide. Commit. Succeed.’


‘Write down your emotional goals for the year. It is easy to focus on work accolades, things we want to attain or achieve, but we sometimes forget to try and improve how we feel about what goes on around us. Could you react better to stress? Deal with tricky people in a calmer way or have more clarity on decisions that need to be made?’

I’m usually such a worried but this year I have completely chilled out. Even though work is hectic, I’ve been doing more exercise than I have ever in my entire life, I have new projects coming up, a daily blog, a social life and don’t get me wrong, I am exhausted. BUT I love it. I always think about what work goals I want to achieve but now its time to think emotionally.


As I wrote in my first ever post one of my main goals for the year was to gain more positive relationships & be truly happy within myself. Im already on the right track. The emotional side of things, for me, have been difficult recently because I was hurting so badly, but I focussed on other things that made me happy. Now everything has fallen into place without me trying or looking.

My emotional goals remain the same: gain more positive relationships & be truly happy within myself.


My Instagram post today was about remaining to eat healthily. IMG_20180122_105005_796.jpg

Then I got sent this but I need to remain strong and not eat any chicken nuggets!!
