Find the reason

So recently, life has been tough.

But I am absolutely okay with that.

I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now;

There’s a reason why I haven’t got that job I wanted.

There’s a reason why ‘he’ isn’t interested.

There’s a reason why I’m too nice to people.

There’s a reason for everything that is happening right now.

So many people have reached out to me regarding 365 Days of Happiness and it’s so motivating that I am making a difference.

I recently met a great business man who said I was courageous for showing the world the real me.

But, on the other hand, I was too self-deprecating. Which is completely understandable.

So… I’m going to give myself a little credit;

For helping others

For reaching out when I know I need help rather than spriraling out of control again

For being myself

For not letting others controls my thoughts

For standing up for myself

For being strong enough to admit I was wrong

For searching for new opportunities

For wanting to fulfil a successful future

For being here, today.

One day you’ll remember why you stayed

Find your reason.

Find the reason you want to stay.