Day Twenty Three

January 23rd 2018.

‘In order for your life to be great, you must first learn to appreciate it.


‘If you’re feeling a little scared to try new things, recall a past adventure where you were daring and spontaneous. Write down how it felt and what you gained from it.’


The one real adventure I took was moving to Seville, Spain for 3 months. The overall experience was incredible and I met some amazing people. As I was going through it I wasn’t always happy, there were some tough times that happened and I didn’t think I was making the most of the situation But I also had some amazing times when I didn’t want to come back home. But everything happens for a reason so I believe what happened there was supposed to happen and I learnt a lot about tolerance and how to deal with it myself.




I believe when you’re going through life you focus so much on the future. And I am the advocate of this. I have spent so much time trying to focus on a potential career or potential relationship but I forgot to realise what was in front of me all along.

Amazing family, amazing friends, amazing life. 

Its all about remembering to appreciate what you have right now.



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