365 Days of Happiness

My name is Isabelle.

2017 was possibly one of the hardest years of my entire life.

I’ve decided to write a blog, showcasing a NEW year. Everyday will be a new challenge, every month will have a new resolution and reflection on what I have done, what I could’ve done better and the reasons why.

I hope that people can follow my journey and see a positive change at the end of the year. Each challenge I have in 2018 will have their own separate blogs. I will be as open and honest as I can be, respecting the privacy of my family and close friends.

12 Month Plan:

Over the Christmas period I read a self-help book called How I Changed My Life in A Year by Shelly Wilson. This book consists of a new thing to do each month, so i’ve decided to give it a go myself. The challenges range from adapting better habits, conquering my fears and learning new things; all of which could be demonstrated through text, images, videos or quotes. The posts may not be daily but I will update everybody when there is something to be seen.


I have began the #365DaysOfHappiness post challenge on Instagram, this will also be shared onto my blog. The decision to do this was for commitment. I often begin things and rarely finish them- so having a daily challenge to be happy and to reflect will hopefully have a positive reaction to 2018.


I have also began using Fearne Cotton’s: Happy. This is a daily journal with quotes, space to reflect and ‘a chance to write joy into every day and let go of perfect.’

1 Comment

  1. Dannielle Wilson says:



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